Font Color

10 Jahre 8 Monate her #607 von Grob
Font Color wurde erstellt von Grob
In some templates, the color of the Template Switcher Font is white, same color as the background of the Module. How can i change that?

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10 Jahre 8 Monate her #608 von Caro
Caro antwortete auf Font Color
Hello Grob,

to define the color you should edit the file ... /modules/mod_templateswitcher/templateswitcher.css
on line 3 class templatename insert color: #color_you want ;

If you want also define the hover and active status create a new class
.templatename :hover, templatename :active, template :focus { color: #color_you want; }

I will sent your question to the dev. Team as improvement suggestion.
I hope my answer is helpful to you!


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Thanks a lot :)

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