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PHP error when editing Portfolio elements

10 Jahre 8 Monate her #617 von jvirgo
First of all, nice component. It looks great on my new site, and was relatively easy to setup.

I recently came into an issue after I moved the site over to my production server, and I'm wondering if this may have to do with some permission issues, or possibly a newer PHP version (I went from 5.4 to 5.5.9). Either way, the component works fine on the front end and backend, except for when I try to access the "Portfolio Element Manager" - I get a white page, and I see this in the error logs:

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'case' (T_CASE) in \/administrator/components/com_pofos/views/pofoit/tmpl/edit.php on line 1165

I'm on Joomla 3.3. Please let me know if you need any additional info.


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10 Jahre 8 Monate her #619 von Caro
Hello jvirgo,

you have currently a valid support period. I redirect your question to one of our commercial support Member. They will contact you asap.

Best Regards

If you think our extensions are worth 5 stars, feel free to write a review in the JED .

Thanks a lot :)

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10 Jahre 8 Monate her #627 von berny77
I have the same Problem

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'case' (T_CASE)
..../administrator\components\com_pofos\views\pofoit\tmpl\edit.php on line 1165

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10 Jahre 8 Monate her #629 von Caro
Hello berny77,

we know that issue, this is a short open tag related problem for php 5.4 only.
In a standard installation (php 5.4) short open tags are off in php 5.3 and 5.5 they are on.

Tomorrow we will publish an update for the portfolio component which fix this issue.


If you think our extensions are worth 5 stars, feel free to write a review in the JED .

Thanks a lot :)

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