All my photos are stacked?

9 Jahre 10 Monate her #712 von Toby_Allen
All my photos are stacked?
Is there a setting to make them line up horizontally?
They are all placed vertically right now.

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9 Jahre 10 Monate her #713 von Maike
Hi Toby_Allen,

since you're a commercial customer, could you please open a ticket by either:
  • sending a email to support(at)extro-media(dot)de
  • using our ticket system - log in to our site and click 'Support' in the menu to the right.

Please don't forget to provide a link to your site and login credentials - this helps us to find a solution faster.


If you like our extensions and think they are worth 5 stars, please write a review in the JED

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8 Jahre 2 Monate her #793 von forumsupport

a explanation why this happens, and a solution for it can be found here:

Scroll down to the heading "If your images are stacked"

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