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No lightbox effect or controls
11 Jahre 2 Monate her #570
von hydra
No lightbox effect or controls wurde erstellt von hydra
I've set up my gallery module and it looks fine, but once I click on an image it simply just shows me a new "blank" page with that single image on it (upper left corner). There is no lightbox effect and no controls associated with the image to go on and view more images within the gallery.
I'm using Joomla version 3.2 and Joomlashack Onyx template. Am I missing something?
I'm using Joomla version 3.2 and Joomlashack Onyx template. Am I missing something?
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11 Jahre 2 Monate her #573
von hydra
hydra antwortete auf No lightbox effect or controls
I was contacted by a person in the support staff (Thanks Steffen!) and he suggested that I had a jQuery conflict. There was more than one instance of jQuery running. I disabled this in the extension and it works great now.
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11 Jahre 2 Monate her #574
von Caro
If you think our extensions are worth 5 stars, feel free to write a review in the JED .
Thanks a lot
Caro antwortete auf No lightbox effect or controls
Hello Hydra,
a jQuery clash is the most common problem at Web Design. Because of this we have added in our eXtensions the option load jQuery natively by the eXtension or not.
We recommend, if you work with other extensions that have not this feature, use the jQuery easy Plugin. That solve some Problems.
a jQuery clash is the most common problem at Web Design. Because of this we have added in our eXtensions the option load jQuery natively by the eXtension or not.
We recommend, if you work with other extensions that have not this feature, use the jQuery easy Plugin. That solve some Problems.
If you think our extensions are worth 5 stars, feel free to write a review in the JED .
Thanks a lot

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