lightbox not opened

11 Jahre 10 Monate her - 11 Jahre 10 Monate her #359 von Mentos
lightbox not opened wurde erstellt von Mentos
i can see the thumbnails of my gallery but when I click on one of them, the lightbox is not opened.
Thank you

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11 Jahre 10 Monate her #360 von Caro
Caro antwortete auf lightbox not opened
The question was forwarded to commercial support!

If you think our extensions are worth 5 stars, feel free to write a review in the JED .

Thanks a lot :)

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9 Jahre 9 Monate her #718 von
Hi, i had purchased the vision 3.0.1 and i'm having this same problem.
Could someone help. Thanks

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9 Jahre 9 Monate her #719 von Caro
Caro antwortete auf lightbox not opened
Hi Mentos,

your problem sounds like a jQuery clash.
This will happen if you load several times jQuery at your website or your site loads different versions of jQuery.

Please check your error console if there is a jQuery problem.
You can do this with Firefox or Chrome by typing Ctrl + J.
Please check also the source code of your website and count how often jQuery gets loaded.

If you have an error or jQuery was several times loaded,
please try the jQuery easy Plugin (
This should solve the issue.

I hope my answer was helpful to you.


If you think our extensions are worth 5 stars, feel free to write a review in the JED .

Thanks a lot :)

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