First photo displaying, but not fading into others

9 Jahre 6 Monate her - 9 Jahre 2 Monate her #728 von MrTopgun21
I have a web site built and I'm using the RBSE, on the home page I have 6 images loaded to fade in and out.
My problem is they aren't fading, only the first image shows. Sliding effect is set to "Fade" and duration is set to 6.
View our site with the trouble

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9 Jahre 6 Monate her #730 von forumsupport
Hello MrTopgun21,

If we try to open a Image (that you use in the Background slider) by copying the path to the Browser, we get a 403 for every image.
Whit other words, you have a access right problem for the used images.
It seems that something is wrong with your server configuration.

You also publish the module several times.
The BGS is intended to be published only once per page.
Please also have a look at this tutorial .

Best Regards

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