Animation duration

11 Jahre 7 Monate her #507 von personaladriana
Animation duration wurde erstellt von personaladriana
Hi, I have only two images that I want to show:
The problem is that I would like that when the second image appears the animation stops and stays showing this image. How can I do that??
Thanks a lot

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11 Jahre 7 Monate her - 11 Jahre 7 Monate her #509 von Maike
Maike antwortete auf Animation duration
Hi personaladriana,

the animation for the eXtro Background slider has been designed to constantly repeat, so the zoom/tilt effect can display correctly.
You would have to completely change the animation if you want to have the first image to be animated and the second to be a freeze frame.

All animations are defined in the module file, but please be aware that you need knowledge about CSS3 / CSS3 animations in order to change it.


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