Background Slider - covering up content???

11 Jahre 10 Monate her - 11 Jahre 4 Monate her #378 von razedinflames
Background Slider - covering up content??? wurde erstellt von razedinflames

I have just paid for and installed the Background Slider.

I am using Joomla 3.0

However, it is covering up my content with the images. Please help >.< the url at which it is active is / link removed /


The backend is very hard to understand and does not have any tool-tips to further assist me... do you have any documentation for what each item/ field does?

Thank you for your assistance.

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11 Jahre 10 Monate her #379 von Maike
Hi razedinflames,

I've forwarded your question to commercial support since the Background Slider is a commercial product.

They should contact you shortly.


If you like our extensions and think they are worth 5 stars, please write a review in the JED

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11 Jahre 4 Monate her #541 von tenoch
I have the commercial version too

And the same problem

The module is covering everything, and any link works in my page

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11 Jahre 4 Monate her #542 von Caro
Hello tenoch,

I have redirected your issue to the commercial support, they will contact you asap.


If you think our extensions are worth 5 stars, feel free to write a review in the JED .

Thanks a lot :)

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11 Jahre 4 Monate her #546 von surveyPDN
Same problem,
using a artisteer 4 template
Thank you!

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