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Sitelinkx add a " " line

10 Jahre 8 Monate her #630 von jjurado4
Sitelinkx add a " " line wurde erstellt von jjurado4

I'm using this pluggin in my site and observe that apear a blank line " " in the top of the article. Do you know this problem?


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10 Jahre 8 Monate her - 10 Jahre 8 Monate her #631 von Caro
Hello jjurado4,

have you tried to activate and deactivate the plugin?
To make sure that the plugin really create the error.

If yes, please send us a link to your site at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.
Please provide us also Login credentials.
We will take a look at it.


If you think our extensions are worth 5 stars, feel free to write a review in the JED .

Thanks a lot :)

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10 Jahre 7 Monate her #632 von jjurado4
Hello Caro,

I send you the information. I hope you can solve this problem.


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10 Jahre 7 Monate her #633 von Caro
Hello again,

I was informed that your problem was fixed by our commercial support.
An php error occurs only on a php 5.4 version.
We will update the Sitelinkx plugin and publish a new version asap.


If you think our extensions are worth 5 stars, feel free to write a review in the JED .

Thanks a lot :)

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