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CSS Styles for eXtroForms Module

11 Jahre 2 Monate her #550 von B8 Europe

Is there a way to change the CSS styles for the eXtroForms Module?

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11 Jahre 4 Wochen her #571 von B8 Europe

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11 Jahre 3 Wochen her #577 von Caro
Hello b8 Europe,

please apologize that very very long delay!

mod extroforms uses two CSS Files:
the first file you can edit via Backend is: your_Joomla_root_directory/components/com_extroforms/css/extroforms-[form ID of the used Form].css. That file was generated by each Form.

The second one you will find at: your_Joomla_root_directroy/modules/mod_extroforms/mod_extroforms.css If you edit these two file you can Change the CSS Layout.

I hope my answer was helpful to you.

Best Regards

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